Winery Romain Fritsch - Alsatian wines
france united kingdom
Winery Romain Fritsch
france united kingdom
Grand cru du Steinklotz

The terroir of the Domain

Grand Cru Steinklotz

The terroir takes its name from the very stony subsoil which characterizes it, mainly composed of limestone in the west and clay in the east, ideal for the cultivation of Riesling. Very favorable to thermal accumulation, the ground gives the vine a microclimate ideal to cultivate the best grapes.

Steinklotz Marlenheim

The South-South-East exposure offers an optimal solar exposure. If the "Steinklotz" is historically famous for its red wines, it is able to produce high quality white wines, with good ageing potential. This terroir occupies more than 40 hectares, the Pinot Noir remains today one of the most grown variety.

The “vines in Lyre"

About 1 ha of the vineyard is grown as “in Lyre”. This technique allows an even better exposure to the sun, and therefore a higher quality of the harvest, revealing perfectly in the wines the characteristic aromas of the grape varieties. These vines, located on the area of Grand Cru Steinklotz, took the name of "Cuvée du Banni". They are among the most renowned in the Domain.

Vignes en lyre
Vignes en lyre du Steinklotz
Vigne domaine romain  Fritsch
Vignes en lyre

On the Marlenberg, plowing and grassing are gradually spreading The short stature, the lightening of clusters or the widening of the rows are also practices that are spreading and showing a real change of course.
The poor, very pebbly and limestone-rich subsoil has always been exploited to produce pinot noir of high quality. Today, it represents 30% of the encépagement (10% on average throughout Alsace)

Réalisation : Mac-infograph'
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Réalisation : Mac-infograph'
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